Message From Principal
Terse Secondary School is located at the bank
of Melamchi river at Melamchi Municipality ward no. 6, Talamarang,
Sindhupalchok district. Quality education is demand of the day. Keeping this
reality in mind and for fulfilling the school's slogan "Education for Self
Actualization" this school has been providing quality education to all the
students admitted in this school.
For the development and progress of any
institution positive support is essential from every sector. Within a very
short duration, the school has progressed itself satisfactorily, which proves
that the concerned people and personalities have made a lot of effort to
convert 'Terse' in to a model school of the municipality, all the concerned,
stakeholders, guardians, education lovers and everybody else need to be quality
responsible. We would like to thank those who have made enough effort the
school up to the present condition.
All the activities that are being held in the
school are oriented towards the children's all round development and the need
and interest of the society. Therefore, the school always expects the creative
support and suggestions from all the sectors.
Krishna Prasad Dhungana
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